Guibourd Valle House

More From Missouri

A trio of spectral well-wishers, servants not on the payroll, some rowdy
spirits, a cordial personality and a musical one keep the museum staff company.



This two story, charming Creole-style house was built around 1784, in a town settled by Frenchmen in 1735, making St. Genevieve the oldest town in Missouri.


The two story rear portion of the house was originally the slave quarters. This house was used as the social center for Spanish Officers, when in a treaty the city of Saint Genevieve became for a short time period, Spanish territory. While the land of the Missouri Territory became part of the United States in 1803 because of the Louisiana Purchase, this city didn’t become part of Missouri Territory until 1812.

The first owner on record was a Frenchman Jacques Guibourd. The Guibourd family lived in the house from 1806 – 1906. From 1906 to 1931 a musical family lived in the house.

Then, Mr. and Mrs. Valle bought this historical gem, renovated the house, and the lovely garden, surrounded by a brick wall. In 1972, after Mrs. Valle had died, the house was donated to the Foundation for the Restoration of Saint Genevieve, to be used as a museum.




In 1939, Mr. Valle was in a second floor bedroom, lying in bed, recuperating from eye surgery.

He suddenly felt a pleasant cool breeze come into his bedroom, smelling like sweet honeysuckle blossoms. He felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned over to see 3 little old men apparitions, only from the waist up, who were floating by his bed. They were wearing heavy, woolen shirts. They smiled pleasantly and nodded at him, as if to wish him a quick recovery and give him some peace of mind.

His wife, Anne-Marie, wasn’t surprised by his experiences, because she had felt presences all over the house.

She and the maids had heard footsteps many times in the servant’s quarters, which were over the kitchen and dining room.

Living Room

Various dogs in the house had cringed in fear, wanting to get outside, or growled at something not seen, especially in the downstairs living room.

In 1949, two months after her husband had died, Anne-Marie was awakened by tremendous banging, sounds of breaking glass, of furniture being thrown around in her husband’s old room. She went into the hall outside the door, and yelled, “You are not going to frighten me, or drive me from my home. Now, get out!” The noise stopped.

In 1983, the museum hired a Ms. Basler, who had some interesting experiences with the ghosts haunting the place.

When the museum was closed, she was cleaning hides in the cellar. She heard someone practicing the same tune on the harpsichord over and over again, like a student would do. The harpsichord sits in the front room. It stopped abruptly.

She went back to work, when she then heard a male voice yell, “Hey!” which sent Ms. Basler scampering up the cellar steps to find no one there.

In 1984, she moved into the old slave quarters. She bought a Victrola, but couldn’t use it. Every time she turned it on, and tried to put the needle on the record, the turn table would start to go really fast so she couldn’t put the needle on the record.

During certain times, she felt really uncomfortable and uneasy in the second floor bedrooms and the attic, especially Mr. Valle’s room.



This is one of the nation’s oldest haunted houses!



Guibourd House Museum
1 North Street
St. Genevieve, Missouri 63670

The Guibourd-Valle House is located in the city of St. Genevieve, which is 60 miles south of Saint Louis, right on the Mississippi River.


Our Haunted Paranormal Stories are Written by Julie Carr

Our Photos are copyrighted by Tom Carr

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  • Some Photos from

Our Haunted Paranormal Stories are Written by Julie Carr





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