San Antonio Texas
Massacres usually cause hauntings of those slaughtered.
Various spirits doing a variety of things create an
ample paranormal sports package, keeping all on their toes.

The Alamo Mission Church made of stone was built in 1718-24, by the Franciscan Monks, who called their mission San Antonio de Valero, sat and still sits on 4 acres of land. They ministered to the many Indians in the area, for around seventy years.
The Long Barack was originally constructed as a two story convento, that was used as offices and living quarters of the original Spanish Missionaries.
In 1793, Spain “secularized” the five missions in Texas, giving the land to the Indian farmers, and turning the mission over to the military, to use the structure as a military post. A calvary unit was stationed there in the early 1800s and the first recorded hospital in the Long Barrack was opened there. The soldiers stationed there renamed the building, The Alamo (which means cottonwood in Spanish), in honor of their hometown, Alamo De Parras Coahuila.
This military use turned San Antonio and the Alamo into a hot spot in the upcoming Mexican struggle against Spain for their independence. The Revolutionaries and the Loyalists both at various times fought for and took over the Alamo. The Mexicans were the victorious forces that won the Alamo military post, quartering their troops in the city of San Antonio.
In 1835, the Texas struggle for independence from Mexico came of course to San Antonio. In December of 1835, Ben Milam led Texan and Tejano volunteer army in a house to house battle in San Antonio, which lasted 5 days. After forcing General Marin Perfecto de Cos and his men to give up, the Texan freedom fighters took possession of the Alamo as an occupying force, further strengthening the Alamo’s defenses.
Knowing that the Mexican Army would respond with force, the Alamo commander, William B. Travis sent for more help from other towns in Texas. Sure enough, on February 23, 1836, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and his army of 4000 men arrived to take back San Antonio and the Alamo, now a key defense post in Texas battle for independence.
The only reinforcements which came to help the Alamo defenders, were the 32 men which showed up from Gonzales on the 8th day of the battle with the Mexican Army, as the other towns needed their people to defend against the approaching Mexican soldiers. Among the then 200 defenders were Davy Crockett and James Bowie.
From the Long Barrack building, the Alamo defenders made their last stand against the Mexican forces during the 1836 Battle of the Alamo. After holding out for 13 days, the Mexican army finally overran the Alamo early in the morning on March 6, 1836, killing all the defenders in the Long Barack and in the Church complex; (around 200), and some of the women and children hiding there, as they were pulled from their beds and killed, though about 20 women and children were spared. Generally though, it turned into a massacre. No surrenders from the defenders were accepted — all were killed quickly. The Mexican army wasn’t in a generous frame of mind, having lost a lot of men themselves. The Alamo buildings were ordered to be completely torn down! Uh Oh!
However, after an paranormal event that scared the Mexicans trying to tear down the Alamo structure, those plans were thrown out the window and eventually The Alamo Mission complex was rebuilt and its 4 acres were given back.
By the late 1840s, this property was once again back in the hands of the US Army, who greatly improved the buildings here, giving them a lovely renovation. The U.S. Army installed “a gable roof on the building, as well as adding exterior stairways to the upper floors.” They also evened the walls; completing them.
Despite the fact that The Alamo changed hands at least 16 times among Spanish, Mexican, Texan, Union and Confederate forces between 1810 and the end of the Civil War, the structure remained well maintained; complete with the original four acres. For awhile, The Alamo building became a U.S. Army Quartermaster Depot warehouse.
During the 1880s, the Long Barack was sold to a private owner, Henri Grenet, who put the building to work, making it a general store. The original stone building was covered with wooden walls and colorful embellishments. The family members of Henri Grenet sold this building to another company Hugo-Schmeltzer who took down the garish embellishments.
The Alamo Mission eventually became a memorial to all those who died, made into a shrine..
It became a symbol of Texan blood and guts courage; an untouchable structure that was honored despite who was in control.
Since 1905, The Daughters of the Republic of Texas have managed the Alamo as a historical shrine and the 4 acres it sit on, doing a great job preserving the history of this place. The Daughters of the Republic of Texas have put up a memorial plaque over the mass grave of the fallen to give them honor and respect. The two inner walls were reconstructed between 1913 and 1916, attached to the original foundation. They decided to take down the upper floor of the Long Barrack, remove the wood on the first floor leaving one exterior wall; that was also taken down in 1913.
In 1937, in honor of Texas being independent for 100 years, a Centennial Alamo Museum was built that housed historic artifacts. The Daughters of the Republic of Texas had other ideas, and eventually turned this museum building into the Alamo Gift Shop to help bring in funds to maintain The Alamo.
The Alamo Mission eventually became a memorial to all those who died, made into a shrine.
It became a symbol of Texan blood and guts courage; an untouchable structure that was honored despite who was in control.
In 1935, the Works Projects Administration added a beautiful structure to the Memorial, The Arcade, done in the historical Spanish style that adds beauty to the outside gardens. The monks would of been very pleased as living people, and probably now as spirits.
The Daughters of the Republic of Texas don’t like the guards to tell ghost stories as it may take away from the meaning of the Alamo itself, as a symbol of Texas guts and determination in winning their freedom. However, the large amount of spirits who are still restless and make their presences known speak for themselves, letting the living know that they are indeed here, and boldly make their statements of existence, for chuckles and to inform the living.
Defenseless people, defenders or soldiers who were killed without mercy in painful ways often are restless and haunt the place they were killed, the land where they met their end, or any nearby buildings.
At the end of the Battle for the Alamo, many people met a violent quick end.
Bodies that are dumped into a Mass grave without ceremony can upset spirits buried there as the lack of respect for their remains has been shown.
After killing over 200 people in the Alamo Complex, the bodies were dumped into a mass grave.
People who were killed at the hands of others and not buried; but left to rot are often restless and can move into the buildings. Missing body parts like heads not buried with the rest of the body but left to rot somewhere else can also cause restless spirits.
Civilians/soldiers/defenders who were killed in other places around San Antonio during the 13 days of battle were not buried at all.
Sometimes people who had strong connections to a structure, stay and protect it, are helpful, and keep an eye on the living when they become spirits.
The spirits of the founding Monks have long been the defenders and watchful helpers of the living. They still keep an eye on visitors and staff, appearing before them, letting the living know that they are not alone in the place.
Spirits of the Founding Monks
Made their appearance known soon after the massacre.
General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna unwisely ordered Mexican engineers to tear down the Alamo, down to the last brick.
However, when the engineers began to tear down the walls, ghostly hands emerged from the walls to stop them. Some of the hands held glowing torches.
For the grand finale, a loud ghostly voice warned the living to stop tearing down the Alamo or face a terrible death. Many think that it was the founding monks who built the mission who came to the rescue and scared the bejeebers out of the Mexican engineers.
The Alamo was eventually rebuilt instead, with its 4 acres intact.
The apparition of a monk has been spotted many times in the courtyard on the north side of the church, going about his business, walking into a wall which had once been a doorway.
Spirits of the Slaughter
One apparition has been seen running along the top of the Alamo, desperately looking for a way to escape, perhaps revisiting his death.
The sounds of laughter from the spirits of the murdered children can be heard at night.
The apparition of a monk was spotted in the courtyard on the north side of the church, going about his business, walking into a wall which had once been a doorway.
Many apparitions, some deformed, have been seen going on evening strolls, emerging from the Alamo’s walls by guests of the nearby Menger Hotel.
Spectral Characters
Many people have seen an apparition dressed in a black cloak, who is soaking wet. He is in solid form, and looks like a real person. When asked a question, he melts into the air.
An apparition of a young cowboy, dressed in western attire of the 1800s, has been appearing in solid form, looking like a real person.
General Activity
Windows and doors open and close, lights go off and on.
In the gift museum, voices are heard by the living.
The sobs of a woman are heard.
Foot steps and heavy pounding on the doors also are heard by the living.
In the Alamo Hall, furniture shakes by itself.
Sounds of horses have been heard outside the mission’s walls.
Spirits of Defenders
Have been seen and felt in the Long Barrack and the Alamo Shrine, still fighting their final battle, perhaps trying to change their end.
Spirits of the Dead left to rot around San Antonio
Both The Alamo Mission In San Antonio and its neighbor, Menger Hotel have been temporary resting places for spirits who wander in from the old battleground.

YES INDEED! It is still a very haunted place as a variety of spirits still reside here and the land outside; even taking a break from their restlessness by visiting the Menger Hotel and other places. Apparently the spirits who call the Alamo their home are not shy at all. Boatloads of hard evidence has been caught proving that the spirits are there. Boatloads of personal experiences also are reported by staff and visitors alike who are not particularly looking for the paranormal.
300 Alamo Plaza
San Antonio, Texas 78205
(210) 225-1391
The Alamo can be found in the heart of Historic San Antonio in the middle of Alamo Plaza.
Head northeast on S Alamo St toward Cedar St. Continue onto Alamo Plaza.
Our Haunted Paranormal Stories are Written by Julie Carr
Our Photos are copyrighted by Tom Carr
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- Haunted Places: The National Directory
by Dennis William Hauck,Penguin Books 2002 -
Our Haunted Paranormal Stories are Written by Julie Carr
Our Photos are copyrighted by Tom Carr
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