Castleton University: Wooldridge Art Studio
A young spirit enjoys events, projects and opines on art.
A young spirit enjoys events, projects and opines on art.
When officers fraternize with unmarried girls, tragic consequences can happen.
“I can’t accept that I died defending the enemy!”
A broken promise started the massacre.
“I love to see people enjoy their favorite drink!”
” I still love my job!”
“Where’s my mommy? I’m scared!”
Better be able to restore the home in a timely manner.
I protect the house and keep all the other spectral residents in line.
Paranormal investigators are pests!
“After all I did for my community, I died a hated man.”
The Spirit of Abigail is slightly unhinged from her accidental burning…
“My, isn’t the Ropes Colonial Garden Lovely!”
Once a Civil War Hospital, some of the soldiers who died here as well as their nurses still go about their business, and sometime entertain themselves as well at the expense of the living.
Hooray! Look what they have done!
It is good as new, empty of life and ready for spirit people!
Let’s reorganize!
Where’s my mom?
Playing with electricity is such a temptation!
My death was awful, a big disappointment to me.
Let’s have a little fun saying hello!
I recovered here, and I like to visit.
They can’t see us! Let’s have some fun!
I know a better place to put that item!
It is the forever home for some high-class and under-class spirits, as well as a disgruntled employee or two.
Killing myself took me out of the frying pan into the fire… Still no peace, only restlessness.
A spirit of a bartender isn’t going to let a fatal car crash stop him from enjoying life!
A long held hidden secret may be the cause of hauntings here…