Queen Mary

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Home to at least 100 spirits of past passengers or employees, including:
A third-class passenger, lovers of the swimming pool,
soldiers, a murdered cook, and accident victims.



This British luxury ocean liner, the RMS Queen Mary, was built in an art-deco style in its interior, from many kinds of wood sourced in England. After serving from 1936-1967 it became a stationary, floating hotel, event venue, theater and museum, and sits proudly in Long Beach Harbor.

It is both historically restored and renovated with modern amenities, a perfect blend of old and new! When it first opened as a hotel, it had 390 rooms. Since then, the rooms were renovated and reduced in number to 150 ,nicely restored and updated with other space for the museum, etc.

The Queen Mary is huge. The ship’s gross tonnage is 81,237. Its length is 1,019 ft. It has 12 decks, three huge funnels, and over 1000 portholes and windows. If a person were to walk all over the ship, they could go 20 miles without repeating any area. It is 181 feet tall from its keel to the top of its smoke stacks.


The three-floored Queen Mary Hotel, located in the old first-class rooms, is a three-star establishment, offering a 24 hour front desk, a bar/lounge, an arcade/game room, business center, dry cleaning/laundry service, full-service spa, health club, wedding chapel and exhibition hall, a grand salon with live entertainment, a hair salon, and three restaurants, to just name some of the amenities. Special packages are offered to hotel guests.

The official Queen Mary Hotel and Museum states on their website: “Our vision is to develop an interactive museum and science center that will dedicate approximately 65,000 square feet to educational classrooms, and museum-quality exhibition spaces for in-house curated installations as well as traveling shows.”

One of the new features is a 121-seat theater that offers a 4-D film presentation. Films will deliver “a hi-definition viewing experience in 3-D and features motion seats and 4-D effects such as wind, fog, mist, scents and more that sync to the on-screen action.”

“Feel the rock and bump of every action scene, smell the roses of a blossoming romance and get tickled by antics from your favorite animated characters, literally.”

I urge you to visit their website and see all the events and activities that have been planned to draw people in, not just to the Queen Mary but to all the attractions surrounding it on land.



The RMS Queen Mary was built by John Brown & Company in Clydebank, Scotland, to be part of the Cunard-White Star Line business plan. Paired with the RMS Queen Elizabeth, these two ships would eventually offer weekly express service between Southhampton, Cherbourg, and New York City.

The grand endeavor of building the Queen Mary began in 1929, and was finished in 1935, costing 100,000 pounds, quite a chunk of change! In those days it was substantially bigger than the Titanic, built 20 years earlier. The Queen Mary had a 160,000 horsepower capability, thanks to its three engines. It had accommodations for 3,000 people on board (guests and crew).

Because of the depression and the war, the Queen Mary’s sister ship, the Queen Elizabeth, wasn’t finished until 1946. The Queen Mary was the flagship of the Cunard Line, from her maiden voyage on May 27, 1936, until October 1946, when that honor was shifted to the newly built Queen Elizabeth.

All of the Queen Mary’s fine art deco designs, beautiful woodwork (by Edward Wadsworth and A. Duncan Carse), a luxury first-class accommodations, and her amenities, attracted the well-to-do in both America and England, including the Royals, and public dignitaries like Winston Churchill. As was the custom, first, second, and third class accommodations were offered to appeal to various income groups. Third-class cabins were modest and cramped, with three beds in each cabin, but they were clean and functional. Second class was in the middle comfort zone for average travelers. Each class of travelers had their own dining rooms.

“The liner featured two indoor swimming pools (first and second class), beauty salons, libraries, children’s nurseries for all three classes, a music studio and lecture hall, telephone connectivity to anywhere in the world, outdoor paddle tennis courts, and dog kennels.” At some point in history, the second class swimming pool was turned into a theater area.

Four years after her maiden voyage, World War 2 broke out and the RMS Queen Mary was pressed into service, painted gray and transformed into a troop ship, capable of holding 15,000 American troops at a time to be transported to the war fronts in Europe and Asia.

This number of men was five times more than she was built to comfortably hold, causing a variety of issues, ranging from merely annoying to deadly for the men being transported, from irritable moods to many deaths in the Indian Ocean due to the terrible heat. There was no air conditioning.

At some point, the meals served were barely edible. The beginnings of an  uproar by the troops over the poor offerings of meals caused the captain to call in a cruiser in their convoy to quell the potential mutiny, but not before violence occurred, ending in at least one  death due to physical abuse.

The good news is that The RMS Queen Mary was never sunk or attacked by enemy submarines. However, it did accidentally hit and sink one of her own escorts, the British destroyer Coracoa due to miscommunication between the captains. The Coracoa was sliced in half, and the Queen Mary suffered a tear in her bow. Because she was forbidden to stop and pick up survivors while carrying troops, most of the personnel on the Coracoa perished.

From 1946 through the late ’50s, the Queen Mary and the Queen Elizabeth dominated the market, providing luxury service on the route between England and New York for its loyal patrons. However, the upstart popularity of the airlines made a huge dent in the transatlantic super oceanliner business. By the mid 1960s the writing was on the wall. Though still the most popular transatlantic oceanliner, the Queen Mary was aging and her owners were operating at a loss. New more efficient cruise ships with exterior pools, which were also the right size to go through the Panama Canal, were needed to increase the tourist cruising business.

As a result, The Queen Mary was retired from service in 1967, and sold to the city of Long Beach, California, after crossing the Atlantic 1,001 times. Her last transatlantic voyage left Southampton on October, 31st, 1967, ending in Long Beach, where she has since been permanently moored. Much of her internal machinery has been taken out, including two of the three engines, three of the four propellers, and all of the boilers.

From 1967 to 2012, the Queen Mary has had many people hoping to run a hotel or other money-making endeavors, including Walt Disney. In 2013, some movers and shakers took up the challenge and have greatly improved the income intake of the grand old lady, by offering new appealing shops and new activities on board, as well as developing the area around the oceanliner. They are making good use of the old Spruce Goose hanger, that once held Howard Hughes’ unique flying machine.



One well-known psychic investigator, Peter James, said that there were 100s of spirits still aboard The Queen Mary, making it one of the most haunted places in the world. James led a ghost tour, starting in 1991. He was personally aboard the Queen Mary around 1,000 times before he died in 2007, speaking to many of the spirits still here.

Experiencing a violent murder at the hands of another (whether inadvertently or because of their own choices), can cause the murdered soul to be restless, want restitution, justice, have their story told, or sometimes just wish to participate in this world as best they can, in order to make amends for their past behavior.

A cook who did a poor job cooking was once thrown into the ship’s oven during a riot over bad meals. He died from his burns.

Sudden death, whether from an accident or natural causes, can leave victims in spirit form restless and wanting to continue their lives in this world, either to enjoy living or complete a task they were yearning to finish. Others can’t get over their painful death, and are stuck in the moment.

During the 1960s, a crewman was crushed and died in great pain after yelling for help. The narrow corridor that leads to the ship’s propeller shafts is called Shaft Alley which had a big, heavy door called “13”, that accidentally shut on this poor soul. It wasn’t supposed to happen, and he can’t let it go.

During troop deployment to the Indian Ocean, it was extremely hot on board, and because the men were packed in like sardines, a soldier died every 7 minutes. This went on for hours.

Over the years, adults and children have drowned in both the first and second class swimming pools.

A traveler, Walter J. Adamson, who was a guest in 1948 and who was checked into a third-class room (B226 on the B deck, that is now B340) died in his sleep while traveling to America. Perhaps he still wants to travel to America with a goal in mind. Spirit stow-aways remain, hoping to make it to America.

In 1949, Senior Second Officer William Stark died from an accidental poisoning.

People who’ve enjoyed their work while alive sometimes want to continue to do what they did, reliving their fond memories while in spirit form. Several spirits who have  worked here or were stationed on board continue to relive their old memories by doing what they were good at in life.

The engine mechanic, John, the poisoned officer, and Senior Second Officer William Stark, both mentioned above, are among the former workers who still reside here. Stark drank from a gin bottle, thinking it was gin.

Some spirits who in life enjoyed being in a special place like a hotel or cruise ship, like to visit or even stay permanently.

Pool-area: some of the guest spirits who still enjoy the pool.

A middle-aged entity, Sarah, in a green striped bathing suit – in her 40s – 50s.

Another woman in a green bathing suit.

A young woman wearing a mini-skirt.

Two little girl spirits, one named Jackie, enjoy the first class swimming pool.

In the old first class lounge: The Queen’s Salon

“The Woman in White” still enjoys her memories here.

Third level Cabin B340

After some paranormal experiences that guests and staff experienced, the staff captains did some research on the room and discovered that in 1948 a third-class guest, Walter J. Adamson had died in his bed of unknown causes. He loves the built-in shower, and having the room to himself, and still wants to enjoy his stay, feeling like a first or second-class passenger on a third-class fare.



Though there are hundreds of spirits still on board The Queen Mary for a variety of reasons, here are just a few of them. There are over a hundred “hot spots” for activity.

The Main Kitchen

The male entity of the murdered cook – A wanna-be Helper, perhaps wishing to improve his skills as a cook to redeem himself for his bad cooking; though it would be hard for anyone to prepare meals for so many people.

A male entity, dressed as a ship’s cook, has been seen by the cooks and busboys of the Queen Mary’s eating areas. He enters the kitchen and then suddenly vanishes.

Also witnessed and reported are self-moving dish ware, lights which turn off by themselves, and kitchen utensils that disappear.

His ghastly screams are heard by visitors and staff.

Engine Room Hauntings

Entities of stow-aways (The engine mechanic mentioned below has some company.)

They have been seen still hiding in the engine room where they died.

Residual energy in the engine room (Perhaps from the incident with the British cruiser).

The faint sound of rushing water and cries and moans have been noticed by the Queen Mary’s engineer, John Smith when he was helping to refit the ship into a hotel when she first arrived in Long Beach in 1967.

“Shaft Alley Specter” – John Bedder

Experienced by many people since his painful death, he has been described as a young man with dark black hair, sporting a beard, wearing blue-gray overalls.

One witness was a security guard and his dog who were patrolling Shaft Alley. The dog froze in his tracks, fixing his stare on an invisible presence at door 13, and refused to go through the door. It has since been removed as the Queen Mary is permanently stationed at Long Beach, with no need for engine shafts or dangerous doors.

A tour guide spied this spirit coming up the stairs behind her, in a solid, life-like form making her think he was just a lost tourist, so she waited for him at the top of the stairs. But before he could get to the top where tour guide stood, he vanished suddenly.

Another tour guide, who was closing the engine room for the night, saw a solid, life-like man dressed in blue overalls with a black beard, standing on the step behind him The tour guide stepped aside to let this gentleman pass, but instead he vanished into thin air. What a way to end the day!

Apparently, John continues on his duties, taking care of the engine, seeing it as it was when he was alive, not as it is now.

His see-through form has been seen working diligently on the remaining engine. It probably makes him feel better about his painful death and the fact that no one was there to save him in time.

When no one living is down in this area, a clanging sound has been heard by witnesses, as if someone is working on the machinery.

The Pool Area – a big paranormal hot spot!

Medium Peter James identified the pool area as the heart of the ship.

Two little girl spirits – little girl unknown and Jackie. Jackie, (around 4 or 5) drowned in the second-class swimming pool, where the theater is now located. The other little girl may have drowned in either pool, or died from other causes. These two spirits have found each other and are now best friends.

They have had fun playing around the pool.

Their giggling and singing has been heard in the pool area and the dressing rooms.

A blond, see-through woman spirit with a green bathing suit has been seen here as well.

Guards have seen her swimming in the first-class pool. When she exits the pool, wet footsteps are seen.

Another woman spirit – identified by James as Sarah (in her 40s-50s), wears a striped, old fashioned bathing suit. She drowned in the first-class pool.

She was spied in solid form, preparing to dive into the empty pool, giving a security guard quite a scare, until she saw the woman vanish into thin air, amd realized it was a spirit guest of the hotel.

She doesn’t like psychic mediums much, and slapped Peter James in the arm so hard that her hand print could be seen.

A young woman dressed in a mini-skirt likes to hang around the pool area.

The old first-class Queen Salon

A female entity called “The Woman in White.”

A beautiful woman has been seen by witnesses, leaning up against the piano, wearing a formal white gown.

The Bridge Area

The male entity of the “Poisoned Officer” — Senior Second Officer William Stark — is perhaps a bit mad at himself for dying in such a dumb manner.

Stark came up to medium Peter James and identified himself, while James was on the old Ghosts, Myths and Legends Tour for the first time. Captain Stark told Peter that where they were standing was where people found his body. Sure enough, the tour guide told her group the same thing.

This see-through entity, dressed in his uniform, has been seen walking around the bridge area.

The Most Haunted Room in the Hotel

B340 – Originally room B226 – This spirit became active in 1971, when The Queen Mary Hotel opened up.

The entity of a male passenger who died in his sleep is still there. Being a third class passenger, he would’ve had to go down the hall to group showers. Having a real shower in his room was a big treat! Perhaps he didn’t want to share a room anymore, and likes the feeling of having the whole room to himself. While the room is no longer rented to guests, he still has to share it in the ghost tours and receive the living for a time.

When the room was available to guests, they would be awakened by a loud pounding on the door.

Lights would go on and off by themselves.

When the maids would come in to clean, they would find the water running in the shower. Apparently, Walter likes the private shower.

The Room next to B340

One couple was terrified when an unseen presence came through the wall from room B340, pulled off their covers, and turned on the lights. Perhaps they had been too noisy or were bothering Walter. Third-class room walls are probably pretty thin.


There is a lot of hard evidence that backs up the many experiences of the staff, guests and paranormal investigators.

On a YouTube audio recording, the Queen Mary Pool little girl ghost says “Cornelia, you found me.”

During a group investigation hosted by 3:00am Paranormal, Dave Harvey caught this incredible EVP. Present at the group investigation were Joe and Rebecca Mendoza, Liz and James Johnson, Joe and Vici Ruffulo, and members of another group, East Valley Paranormal.

At one point Cornelia, Liz and Vici started playing “hide and seek” with the little ghost girls in order to try and elicit some sort of response, and indeed they did. You can clearly hear one of the little girls exclaim “Cornelia, you found me.” This is one of the best EVPs I have heard. Great catch Dave.

Paranormal investigator, Bob Davis posted three compelling EVPs caught in the first class swimming pool, of a little girl, Jackie, which is hard evidence that backs up the experiences of witnesses who have seen a little girl.

On a YouTube audio recording, the Queen Mary’s Jackie the Talking Ghost Child calls for her Mommy.

Little unknown girl entity and little Jackie singing in the first-class pool room.

Uploaded on Dec 6, 2011 by Bob Davis. “You can hear her humming “ring around the rosy” Wear headphones. Queen Mary paranormal Investigation footage by Joe and Vici Ruffulo of ghost girls singing in the First Class Pool.

Little Jackie was calling for her Mommy just after Bob’s daughter said that she had never heard Jackie really loud.

YouTube audio recording: The Queen Mary’s Jackie the talking Ghost child yells NO! at an investigator.

In response to Bob’s suggestion, “You can call me your Uncle Bob?” Jackie shouts “NO!”

YouTube audio recording: Queen Mary Jackie Help me find mom

Jackie asks Bob, “Help me find my mom.”

Most Haunted — Season 6, Episode 18: The Queen Mary Part 2 — Feb 22nd, 2013

A Psychic investigation was conducted aboard the Queen Mary by Psychic medium Kim Russo for the Life-time series, A HAUNTING OF (name of celebrity), which ran for 2013 and 2014. This show followed up on the Celebrity Ghost Stories episodes (2011) by having the star go back to the place of their scary ghost encounter with psychic medium Kim Russo to find out who and why the spirit in question was haunting the structure and the meaning behind the celebrity’s experience.

On episode 17 of the first season, shown on Dec. of 2013, one celebrity, Kristen, who starred in the series Sons of Anarchy, had a scary experience when she and her friends stayed the night on board the Queen Mary Hotel, back in 2005. They decided to go ghost hunting and experienced more than they bargained for, being chased down the hall by an angry, yet sad man.

Kim saw many spirits with stories to tell, talked to the man killed by door 13 near the boiler room, and unraveled the mystery of the angry man and why he chased Kristen and her friend away from the third-class nursery. They were able to release him from his torment.




Definitely yes.




1126 Queens Hwy
Long Beach, California 90802
(562) 435-3511

The Queen Mary is permanently docked in the Long Beach Harbor, next to the Catalina Cruise building, and in view of the Aquarium of the Pacific on the opposite shore.

Take the 110 Fwy. to 47; the Seaside Fwy. Use the right lane to turn slightly left onto W Ocean Blvd (signs for Piers A-J/Downtown). Take the Pico Avenue exit toward Piers a-J/Downtown.

Turn left onto Pico Ave.. Turn left onto the ramp to Piers G East H J/Queen Mary/Queensway Bay. Merge onto S Harbor Scenic Dr/I-710 Spur. Turn left onto Harbor Plaza. Turn right.



  • The Ghost Hunter’s Field Guide
    by Rich Newman
    Llewellyn Productions – 2010
  • Ghosts of the World
    by Diane Canwell and Jonathan Sutherland
    Chartwell Books – 2007
  • The World’s Most Haunted Places
    by Jeff Belanger
    New Page Books – 2011
  • Haunted Holidays (Discovery Travel Adventures)
    Laura Forman, Editor, pg. 198-200
    Discovery Communications & Co. – 1999
  • Haunted Places: The National Directory
    by Dennis William Hauck
    Penguin Books – 2002
  • The Ghostly Register
    A Guide to Haunted America
    By Arthur Myers
    Dorset Press
    New York – 1986
  • YouTube Video: The Queen Mary’s Most Haunted Room B340 — Uploaded on Nov. 18th, 2011 — Part of the Ghost Tour.
  • YouTube Video: Queen Mary Heroes
  • YouTube Video: Haunted Queen Mary Best Video Proof of Ghosts and Paranormal Activity – Proof of ghosts and Paranormal activity
  • The Queen Mary website home page
  • YouTube Video: Tour the Queen Mary
  • Preservation Society Article on the Queen Mary
  • The Queen Mary wikipedia page
  • Queen Mary Art Deco Decor and Artwork

Our Haunted Paranormal Stories are Written by Julie Carr

Our Photos are copyrighted by Tom Carr


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