Phillips Mill

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The Inn at Phillips Mill has a spectral
“Lady of the House”, who is still a clothes horse.

She makes indirect contact with the living.



The stone structure was built by Aaron Phillips around the year of 1756. It originally was a stone barn, but over the years it was transformed into a lovely Estate home, with a garden area off the dining area. The grounds around the Inn are beautiful too. The Innkeeper gave us a lovely tour of the first floor when we visited. It is described as “a charming and romantic place, with historic, rustic appeal.” It does feel like a visit into the past, as it looks very authentic, and well preserved. It is on the National Registry of Historic Places, which means it is protected, and is to be maintained in its original state.

The downstairs is big and open, pleasing to the Inn’s patrons, and is the perfect atmosphere and space for the very popular restaurant. When weather permits, people can dine on the charming porch/terrace area. Inside diners can enjoy the warmth from a large, colonial fireplace. People rave about the restaurant, highly recommending the French entrees, making this restaurant the perfect place for “entertaining out of town guests, going out on date night or celebrating an event”.

Another patron commented, “The food and atmosphere recreate a French country inn, complete with candles and fresh flowers throughout, a roaring fire and cozy linen covered tables.”

However, the original plan for the sleeping quarters were rooms that met the needs and habits of the early residents, but would be considered small by today’s standards. They are charming rooms, well-decorated in period decor, just not offering what some people expect in 2012; like having room with a queen bed. Frank Loyd Wright would agree with the design of the second and first floor of this 18th century home. Wright created the ranch-style home in the 1950s, that offered huge community living space, and modest bedrooms. He thought that bedrooms should be used just for sleeping purposes, and didn’t need a huge space, while the common rooms needed to be big and roomy, to accommodate communal living.

The Inn at Phillip’s Mill’s structure truly is authentic to its era, and so people need to appreciate it as it is presented, and be willing to enjoy a historic estate home of the 18th century! The resident spirit entities would heartily agree, as they sees nothing wrong with the rooms, and are very happy to spend their after-life in this special place.



People who dearly love their homes in this world, sometimes choose to visit or stay there in their after-life. Some don’t see the need to communicate directly with the living.

Structures that have been restored to their former glory, attract past residents in spirit form. The restoration itself acts as a huge trigger, pleasing the spirits who had loved the place while alive.



Several unknown entities:

Are thought to love this structure, having some connection to it when they were in body, living and breathing.

Most of them remain unseen, and exist peacefully among the living. Somehow, they indirectly have made their presence known, because something has been experienced by the living that points to their existence.

Perhaps, people have heard footsteps, doors open and close, cold spots are felt and perhaps other tell-tale signs of entities have been noticed.

Female Entity:

Perhaps she is the strongest, dominant presence. Described by a living, former owner, as being a stately, upper-class woman.

This lovely, refined entity has been seen all over the house, including the second floor hallway, and sitting in a rocking chair on the second floor.

She appears clearly enough to be described in detail, going about her after-life.

Sometimes people see her, dressed in a high-necked, white blouse, black skirt, and sturdy, leather boots, wearing her hair pinned on top of her head. Other times, she is seen wearing “a long, narrow-waisted, high-collared dress”.

This spectral lady of the house is either too busy with her agenda, or just doesn’t want to communicate directly with the people in her house.

She does have the habit of brushing past people who are standing on the stairs, which may be her way of letting the living know she is there too, in an indirect manner.

People feel a cool mass that pushes them gently to one side, which may be her way of letting the living know she is there too.


Probably so, though no paranormal investigations have been made public.

Given the age of the building, and that it is in restored condition, it is likely that it has some spirit entities keeping the living company.

Going on reported paranormal experiences, owners and perhaps guests have clearly seen and experienced this female entity, and probably experienced some occurrences of paranormal activity from the other entities who stay more in the background. It is likw living with a roommate you hardly ever see, because of different schedules. You may not see your roommate, but you see signs of their everyday habits in your shared abode.

There doesn’t seem to be any hard evidence of the paranormal activity that has been made public, though people who own or have contact with the Inn have had personal experiences. What is compelling is that people have witnessed the same, clear apparition of the lady of the house, and have felt being gently pushed aside. Plus, she seems to change outfits as well!



2590 River Road
New Hope, Pennsylvania 18938
(215) 862-2984 – Lodging
(215) 862-9919 – Restaurant

The Inn at Phillips Mill is located 1-1/2 miles north of New Hope, on Rte 32 – River Road, which is a lovely drive.



  • The Big Book of Pennsylvania Ghost Stories
    by Mark Nesbitt and Patty A. Wilson
    Stackpole Books – 2008
  • Haunted Places: The National Directory
    by Dennis William Hauck
    Penguin Books
  • New Hope Paranormal Society on Facebook
  • Trip Advisor Review

Our Haunted Paranormal Stories are Written by Julie Carr

Our Photos are copyrighted by Tom Carr

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