Logan Inn

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Spirits and residual energy are active from the Revolutionary War.

Several characters enjoy their after life here; trying to forget their violent demise.

A variety of spirits from other eras are also guests.

An infamous spirit still shows up for his meal and beer.

Past Owners are still making themselves useful.




The Logan Inn, one of the five oldest inns in America, is known as the longest running inn and tavern in Bucks County, and is the most haunted building in New Hope. The Logan Inn has been described as a newly restored 1727 colonial inn and tavern, with fine dining, live music and events, and with 19 spacious rooms with both the colonial charm and decor, and modern amenities; offering “the best of yesterday and today mingle beautifully.”

The inn and tavern, over the years, has followed the tradition and “colonial habit” of “wrapping additions around existing structures.” The basement, dining area and bar are the oldest parts of the inn, with newer additions and areas added onto these areas. Around the American Revolution, the inn probably only had a second floor for guests to spend the night. Sometime in its history, the third floor of rooms was added. Throughout the years, a modernized kitchen, and new inside and outside eating areas were added, giving guests the choice or either eating inside or outside on the lovely patio area.

Though today there are 19 rooms that are found on the second and third floors, earlier renditions of the guest rooms were probably much smaller, and more in number. Over the years, renovations and restorations transformed the rooms and outside areas to meet the needs of the current customers, making the building a money maker.

Recently, a major restoration of the inn captured once again the colonial roots of the building, as well as adding customer-pleasing amenities. Rooms are beautifully presented with antiques, and other decor, with four rooms offering king-sized beds.



The original inn and tavern was built in 1727, by the founding town father of New Hope, John Wells. As John Wells ran a ferry across the river to and from New Jersey, the inn’s original name was Ferry Tavern, and the original name of this town was Coryell’s Ferry. After the disastrous fire in 1790, that wiped out the mills, the town’s name was changed to New Hope, after the mills were rebuilt.

During the Revolutionary War, the Ferry Tavern gave aid and comfort to George Washington and his troops, despite the real consequences they ran the risk of suffering. They provided George Washington and his troops a place to camp, eat, drink, and keep their wounded in the inn, and stored the dead in the basement, until winter had passed.

By 1828, the ferry was no longer running, probably because a bridge had been built across the river. During a town-wide celebration of George Washington’s birthday, on February 22nd, 1828, the inn was renamed The Logan Inn, in honor of a Lenni-Lenape chief, whose kindness and hospitality toward the townspeople was greatly appreciated. This Indian chief had developed a close relationship with James Logan, and took James’ name, to testify to the chief’s admiration of this man.

Regarding the metal Indian sign, the townspeople themselves collected funds to pay for it, showing how much they appreciated this chief’s friendship and help. They were spared the horrendous Indian attacks suffered by other communities located in other areas of Pennsylvania.



Sometimes past, deceased owners of business establishments have a hard time leaving their cherished building, still wanting to have a say, to keep on eye on the living and/or still enjoy a place of many happy memories/good times.

When soldiers who die from disease or wounds in or near a building, sometimes they stay for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they have unfinished business, don’t know that they are dead, have a dedication to continue their duties, or had good times in the building and stay on to remember their good times, and perhaps get their chuckles by teasing the living.

People/children who are run over by a train or car/drown near a building, sometimes decide to stay in the building itself.

Sometimes past servants or past patrons of an establishment like to hang around a place that meant a lot to them while they were alive, and they like to remember the good times.



Former Owners/Managers/employees:

The Lutz Family were the owners of the Logan Inn in the 1970s.

Entity of Emily Lutz –

is thought to be the female spirit that favors Room 6, though she makes an appearance all over the inn.

Her glowing apparition has been seen in room 6, in the dining room and the ladies bathroom. Some have seen her female form in a long, old-fashioned dress, as she wanders around the inn, perhaps checking up on things.

In room 6, she likes to adjust the heat, move guest’s personal belongings/luggage, touch people gently, and sometimes pull the pillows out from under sleeping guests – perhaps the ones who snore?

Her scent of lavender is noticed in room 6, and by her portrait that hangs in the lobby.

Male entity in colonial clothes

He seems to have keen interest in some areas of the inn. Keeps a close eye on lights that are left on, and turns them out, does a security check inside the building and goes up stairs, in his heavy boots.

His apparition is seen near the first floor men’s room and the basement.

Sounds of beer kegs being rolled around in the basement are attributed to him Perhaps he is offering beer to the male entities in the basement area!

Former Residents/guests – Room 6 – Hope the entity of Emily doesn’t mind company!

Entity of tearful man

He is seen in the mirror at night.

Cries and moans that could be from his pain are heard at night.

A little boy and young girl

Both are seen in the mirror and in room 6 as well.

The young girl, dressed in colonial era clothes, was also seen playing in the parking lot. It is thought that she died after falling off a nearby bridge, and drowning in the water.

Their laughter is heard, and are thought to be the ones who may move items around the room.

The entity of Aaron Burr –

is seen on occasion. He enjoyed The Logan Inn during his lifetime, so it makes sense that he would visit it in his afterlife. He owned a home in New Hope, so he probably enjoyed a cold brew and meal here.

Soldiers in the Inn – During the Revolutionary War, dead soldiers were brought to the Inn’s basement for storage, until the frozen ground was thawed enough to bury them properly.

Entity of Revolutionary War Soldier –

It is theorized that he was thought dead and was brought down to the basement. He awoke, and cried for help, but no one heard him, and he died there of his untreated wounds.

His solid apparition looks like a living person, dressed in a Revolutionary War uniform, though he is only seen for a moment or two by surprised staff and guests. Perhaps he was a perfectionist in life, and thinks it proper to only appear in solid form in front of the living.

This entity leaves a cold air pocket after he disappears in the bar, dining room and basement; the oldest parts of the inn.

Entity of a Hessian Soldier –

He must have been killed in battle, or on the tavern’s property. One theory might be that his former enemies were not willing to let his body be eaten by animals, so they brought his body in as well. Or, perhaps he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and was killed when the Washington troops came on the inn’s property and/or entered the tavern.

This apparition has been seen in the basement as well.

A second Revolutionary Soldier

This entity is seen on the second floor, with only his body showing, with no head. Often, spirits manifest only partially, in ghost parts because it takes too much energy to present a full apparition. Or, perhaps he was beheaded in a battle by a cannonball, sword or shot.


A big YES INDEED is in order.

The hauntings and spirits have been well-documented by many groups and personal experiences of the living have been reported for years. All spirits here are found to be benign and friendly, choosing to remain in a place they want to spend their afterlife in, perhaps not wanting to let go of this world just yet.

Many paranormal investigation groups have captured evidence and have had personal experiences in The Logan Inn.

Two Groups I could find on-line:

Tri-County Paranormal * South Jersey Ghost Research



10 West Ferry Street
New Hope, Pennsylvania 18938
(215) 862-2300

The Logan Inn can be found on West Ferry St., about a block from River Road, and just south of the East Bridge Street that crosses the river into New Jersey. Travel northeast on West Bridge Street/York Road, bear to the right onto West Ferry St. The Logan Inn is on the left.



  • http://www.loganinn.com/
  • The Big Book of Pennsylvania Ghost Stories
    by Mark Nesbitt and Patty A. Wilson
    Stackpole Books
  • Ghost Hunting Pennsylvania
    by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
    Clerisy Press – 2009

Our Haunted Paranormal Stories are Written by Julie Carr

Our Photos are copyrighted by Tom Carr

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