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Has in residence a playful, mischievous female spirit and her boy friend spirit.

Prostitution and having a real relationship sometimes is deadly.



The Lodge is a three story, Victorian style, elegant, European mountain inn, that is surrounded by huge pine trees and glorious mountain scenery. This quaint-looking cherry burgundy and gray colored inn has stained glass windows, a lookout tower, a covered entryway and a circular driveway in view of a lovely pond and waterfall. Skiing and a golf course are favorite activities nearby.

Inside, there is a roomy two floored lobby, with classy leather armchairs and sofas, lovely mahogany end tables, fresh flowers and a copper sheathed fireplace, which is often on. A large, stuffed bear greets visitors. Each guest room has been given it’s own special flavor of design. The general period of decorum is “a French-country look.” Each room has “antique furniture, matching bed and drapery fabrics, high ceilings, clicking steam radiators, down comforters and French eyelet linens.”

There is an outdoor dining patio, called “Rebecca’s Restaurant,” which overlooks the inn’s swimming pool and gardens. This refined dining spot is named after The Lodge’s resident ghost, Rebecca, whose pictures can be found hanging on walls throughout the inn. A stained glass window with her likeness on it can also be seen. Two artists made a beautiful quilt with her portrait in the middle of it. This also is hanging in the hotel lobby.

The Lodge has a western saloon type bar in the basement, called “The Red Dog Saloon,” where dancing to live entertainment amuses its customers. It looks much like an old western saloon, sporting “rough -hewn walls, plank floor” and southwestern decorum.




Originally built in 1899, at an elevation of 9,000 ft above sea level, it was designed to be a residential hotel for timber cutters working for the Alamogordo and Sacramento Railroad. The Lodge was opened to the public in 1906. In 1911, The Lodge was rebuilt after it had burned down because of a nasty fire. It has been in business as an upscale hotel since then, and has been refurbished inside and out. Over the years, such personalities as Pancho Villa, Judy Garland, Clark Gable, have enjoyed staying at The Lodge. Plus, every New Mexico governor since 1901 has stayed here, which explains why one of The Lodge’s rooms is called The Governor’s Suite.



The story is told that a young, beautiful chambermaid, now known as Rebecca, worked at the Lodge during the 1920s & ’30s. She, like other employees at the time, lived in rooms located in the basement. Some claim that she moon-lighted as a prostitute. She was reportedly murdered by her enraged lumberjack boyfriend who caught her in bed with another man. Ghostly occurrences started occurring soon after her death.

Two ghosts haunt the Lodge; Rebecca, a playful, mischievous spirit and her lumberjack boyfriend, who makes his presence known on occasion. It is thought that Rebecca lives in the room, right behind the downstairs bathroom. Many have felt her strange energetic, but friendly presence, and she is an accepted part of the Inn.

Many employees and guests have reported seeing the apparition of a beautiful, red-haired woman, with brilliantly blue eyes, floating around the halls.

Late one evening as a guest was dozing off, he heard a scraping sound in the hallway. Cracking his door, he saw a woman with long red hair, in a 30s style, floor-length nightgown, who was busy rearranging the flowers that were sitting in a vase, on top of an antique chest, that was in the hallway.

Room 104: (Down the hall from The Governor’s Suite, 101).

Another female guest, while sleeping in bed with her husband, was awakened because she was too hot. As she lay on her left side, she felt a gentle, amiable, but cold hand on her shoulder, and heard a man’s voice singing “Won’t You Be My True Love?” in her ear.

When she could finally get up her nerve to turn around and see what was there, she felt a cool “whooshing movement,” but no one was there. She right away shook her husband awake from a sound sleep, but he hadn’t heard anything.

A male guest went in to take a bath, but found a “vaporous female” already reclining in his tub!

Three women always had to have the same room at the lodge, because “Becky” would come visit them there, according to a desk clerk, Mr. Adams.

One Halloween, a man dressed in a tuxedo, ordered two dinners, and sat by himself at a two-chaired table. Everyone watched him carefully, as he ate just his dinner and talked to someone who wasn’t there physically. By the end of his meal, both plates and wine glasses were empty.

A male hotel guest awoke in the middle of the night. As he glanced at his watch on his night stand, he watched in amazement as the watch floated straight up in the air, and floated gently to the top of the dresser.

The Red Dog Saloon is a favorite place to be for Rebecca. It was built in the space once used as a shower area for inn employees. She has made her presence known in several ways.

* Lights have been known to go on and off at will.

* Workers cleaning up after the saloon shuts have seen her twirling apparition on the dance floor.

* The bartender had often seen a reflection of a pretty, red-haired woman in a lovely, long dress in the bar mirror, but when one turns to look at her, she disappears.

* She has been known to help herself to the alcoholic drinks served, without paying for them, leaving an unexplained tab.

* During the prohibition era, saloon customers used to gamble there. The poker chips have long since been disposed of and no chips known of were kept at The Lodge. One evening, a very surprised bartender found some old, 1930s era poker chips in the middle of the floor, which had been clear a few minutes before.

* Patrons of the Lodge have called up and complained about the loud music coming from The Red Dog Saloon, when it wasn’t even open. It seems that Rebecca likes to dance.

* One bartender, a Ms. Crosby ran to use the downstairs bathroom, used by The Red Dog Saloon patrons. The lights wouldn’t turn on, and she was alone. After using the toilet, she discovers that there is no toilet paper, and she shouts out an expletive phrase, “Oh s’.!” Much to her surprise, a white, ghostly hand appeared under the doorway, with a roll of toilet paper, trying to be helpful in a humorous way. Petrified, she ran upstairs with her pants half on.

Rebecca has made her presence known among the Lodge’s employees.

* A new employee, who had been living in an upstairs room for about 2 months, was getting ready to come down to work, when she saw in her vanity mirror, the toilet handle move by itself, to flush the toilet. Rebecca was mischievously welcoming her to The Lodge.

* While serving a guest and his wife, who had expressed cynicism about the existence of Rebecca, a wine glass suddenly shattered while sitting on their table. When they left, the lights blinked twice.

* The Governor’s Suite, which is room 101, seems to be a favorite place of Rebecca’s to play telephone tricks on the staff. Despite having a modern, computerized phone system, the desk will get a call from 101, and no one will be at the other end. Desk clerks wait patiently for Rebecca to make any comments, but she hasn’t so far. Many feel that there is a connection between the Governor’s Suite and Rebecca, as being the place where she offered her services, so to speak.

* The light in front of room 101, which is a big old bulb light with a fan attached, goes on at will, when someone walks by, and turns itself off when the person is gone.

* After a former housekeeper would make up a bed, she would come back and find the indentation of a person who had sat or laid down on top of the bed. She also had to deal with guests’ shoes mysteriously traveling to a couple of rooms down from where they were supposed to be.

* The basement area is also a favorite spot for Rebecca. Back in 1982, Mr. Sanders had just become the owner of The Lodge. Because of a temporary housing mix-up, the Sanders decided to keep their spare clothes in chests in an empty, they thought, storage room. One night as they unlocked the room to get to their clothes, they noticed a glowing light moving in the back of the room. When he got to the back of the room, their trunks had been moved, and a once sealed interior door was now wide open, which led to a room where the light had been shining from. Following the light, into an old bathroom, the faucets suddenly started to pour water into the sinks at a furious rate. After turning off the water, he inspected the area and found no broken windows, and nothing was missing.

* New offices have been built in the basement. Late at night, employees announce their presence to Rebecca, or else they may hear weird noises, such as doors opening and shutting. Also, Rebecca has been known to turn on the copying machine on occasion, when the door is locked and no human has been near the machine.



According to two different psychics, Rebecca is definitely still there, happy to share her Inn with the living, being helpful on occasion, enjoying The Lodge and still getting her jollies in teasing the guests and employees. Perhaps because of her early death, she wasn’t ready to leave this life, to go to the other side.

cloud croft



1 Corona Place
Cloudcroft, New Mexico 88317

This historic resort is located in Cloudcroft, which is a rustic Sacramento mountain community situated in southeast New Mexico. Cloudcroft is 15 miles east of Alamogordo, on U. S. Highway 82. The Lodge overlooks Cloudcroft.


  • Some of the interior photos are from The Lodge.

Our Haunted Paranormal Stories are Written by Julie Carr

Our Photos are copyrighted by Tom Carr

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