Alberta Bair Theater
A grumpy, possessive male entity and an enthusiastic female spirit enjoy the shows.
A grumpy, possessive male entity and an enthusiastic female spirit enjoy the shows.
The sad tale of Henry Powell: Sheriff, Thief, Killer, Victim of mob justice? Others haunt the joint, too!
Being unhealthy in body and mind caused some afterlife incarceration and no afterlife retirement plan.
The entity of good Judge Brantley keeps a watchful eye and causes interesting paranormal activity.
Both a sense of spectral fun and the concern that quality work is done cause ongoing activity.
A suicide and a deadly accident in St. Charles Hall resulted in spirit activity and a sealed room.
A mischievous spirit plays jokes on the susceptible, providing maximum chuckles!
A couple who loved their beloved business are spending their afterlife here.
Sex work often led to unhappiness… The unintended consequences could kill.
When the Tiffany Window was reinstalled, the kind lady for whom it was originally dedicated, moved back into this building.
Formerly a private home, the spectral owner has finally made friends.
This huge, spooky-looking place still has busy family spectral members.