Centre Hill Museum
Col. Robert Bolling was a loving husband, but had his share of heartaches…
Col. Robert Bolling was a loving husband, but had his share of heartaches…
A spirit of a young lady, who was killed in a deadly accident, has made herself at home.
The infamous “Capitol Disaster” was caused by a weakened structure. Sixty-two people were killed and another 251 injured here.
The Washington family attended here, including George Washington, his sister Betty, and his mother, Mary.
Spirits love music here, and the patient spirit of a slave on the Underground Railroad is still waiting.
A Civil War family of spirits are stuck here; still suffering from unkind times.
The spectral matron of the House is watchful and present; she has a famous family member who visits with a purpose.
A female spirit still loves her forever home; A male spirit still wants her company.